Monday, August 26, 2013

smorgasburg round four

i'm sick. something must be wrong with me. i. just. can't. stay. away. i'm talking about the fact that i've been to smorgasburg almost four consecutive weeks (with the exception of one, likely miserable, weekend). let me explain my method.

1. drag any bored soul across the east river to brooklyn on the weekend, where you will most likely be stranded with a bunch of hairy hipsters and be forced to take the ferry back (contrary to how i made it sound, the ferry is actually quite lovely)

2. enter the smorgasburg premises. anxiety ensues as you begin to scour the rows of vendors. lines 15+ people long. 7 different kinds of lemonade. 3 types of sausage. and only 1 stomach to fit it all.

3. do a walk through, with your stomach rumbling. you will either: A) go for the first mouth watering stall you see to stuff your now empty hangover stomach or B) starve yourself until you settle on the perfect bite to satisfy your brunch-y craving

4. repeat this process until fully stuffed. take a break under the minimal shade offered by prepubescent tree shrubs and open the top button of your shorts. let it out girlfriend. be free.

5. go back for more.

beet-agave lemonade

corn dog 

 carmelized onion, gruyère, sour dough grilled cheese courtesy of milk truck

bourbon pecan bite

this sucker cost $1.50 but tasted like $10

blueberry, white peach

truffle-parmesean frites

...which she ate with a tiny fork

cheers, new york. 

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