i miss my bunk bed and being able to peek over the top and ask my roommate "are you awake?" i miss my morning pain au chocolat, right out of the oven. i miss my thirty minute commute to kookaboora and my flat white and scone while catching a glimpse of the church on a hill. i miss the early morning bike rides across bridges, and the city bathed in a sense of calm quietness. i miss the three euro cheese, the two euro wine, and the one euro baguette. i miss the red bricks and the fountains of my favorite square. i miss my friends at l'as and the Po'. i miss my apple juice grocer at the market. i miss my shoemaker. i miss closing the cashier at chez janou. i miss the bartenders at candelaria. i miss the views. i miss everything. i miss Paris. i miss this...
and this...
and this...
and this...
and most certainly this.
je t'aime toujours.
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